I've got a story to share about Rapid Penang....
Once upon a time, ngeh ngeh ngeh...well last week one of my students had left his bag dalam bus Rapid. Careless much? Sort of. He was carrying some grocery stuff that he had forgotten his bag. See, inside the bag ada class notes and his wallet. And he was sad because he was worried he can't do his revision since his notes were missing. Sedih dengan penuh ikhlas kan pelajar ni? Tambahan, ada buku cerita I dalam bag dia tu.
Bebel. Dia datang and told me that he had lost my book. I was downright shocked and tengah fikirkan nasib buku cerita tu while he explained to me about what had happened. Sangat penuh drama! So the thing is, his friend (another Mongolian friend) called Rapid Penang and lodged a report to the lost and found department.
Ha...ni mulanya cerita dia...
Lepas dapat tahu kawan dia dah called Rapid Penang, I tak puas hati sebab, knowing them I somehow able to reckoned that no actions will be taken kerana pemahaman komunikasi between Mongolians and locals tahap minima kot (ingat cerita appendix kat lutut...). So I decided to give a shot and called Rapid Penang myself. I pledged to cakap sepiau-piau loghat Penang so that lepa rasa macam "wah! darah daging sepulau kita! kita mesti tolong combi ni sat". Konon ja la...
After few attempts to call the hotline barulah ada orang jawab. It was around 4pm so agaknya tengah minum petang la kot. Standard la kan...Then they gave me other number to call. Geram sikit. I called and ada lelaki jawab. Very polite and friendly. So I told him about my hajat and he was very helpful. I was downright betul sebab dia kata tak dak record foreigner report apa pun bag hilang...sahih orang Rapid tu tak paham apa budak-budak Mongolia ni cakap. But the man memang sangat-sangat nice and pandai explain one by one, step by step about their procedure. My bad, I tak tanya pun nama dia apa. Then he gave me his supervisor's phone number to check if there is any driver who had found a bag inside his bus. Nama supervisor dia Encik Mydin.
So, I called Encik Mydin. Dia sangat busy man sebab when he answered my call, he was actually talking to some other people then talked to me, then talked to someone else and then me. He is jugak sangat helpful. I wasn't expecting to receive such eloquent and quick response like this tau..i was expecting macam takkan dilayan dan diberi dialog "benda yang dah pergi, usah dinanti. pasrah dan reda sahajalah...lain kali jangan makngai sangat dalam bas". But it was proven the service (based on the phone calls only) sangat bagus. I sangat happy.

Jam 11 kami muncul balik. This time around Encik Mydin dah ada. Terus dia datang jumpa kami and minta maaf sebab dia lambat. Then dia returned bag student Mongolia tu. Then dia bagi advice dan minta maaf lagi sekali kalau ada service yang tak puas hati dari Rapid Penang. Like...OMG!!!! Seriously??? I think the services, the treatments, the way the handled my inquiries, the greetings semuanya SUPERB! I betul-betul honestly ingat akan dilayang sekadar cincai ja afterall it's the public transport punya company tapi I was wrong.
I had doubts before I went there, and I went back home in total awe and totally new level of respect to Rapid Penang. Serious. From the moment you entered the gate, the security was really friendly. The people at the counter, the supervisor itself. Everything. Memang berbaloi untuk bayar lebih for the tambang compared to bus Hin or bus Seri Negara (wujud lagika bus tu?) tapi layanan and service memang puas hati sangat-sangat. To Rapid Penang, thank you very much and you are very lucky to have En. Mydin as your supervisor because he is indeed a fantastic pekerja :)
Of course, adalah sikit ciput ketidak kecekapan lepa macam jawab phone lambat, tak punctual untuk appointment but I believe there's room for improvement here and there but keep up the good work, and you guys are on the right track of becoming an established public transportation company :)
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wahhh kagum! bagus ropanya depa nih ahhh!
kak bai: yes sangat teruja kan? macam wow...!! hehehehe
makngai is nyanyuk di kalangan muda mudi.atau nganga tahap gaban tak hengat.ensem tak pakcik mydin tuh?kui3x.
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