Monday, March 14, 2011

tough call

Majority of my students are teenagers. And when I mentioned teenagers, means that they are teenagers who are in the level of identify their true self. They are at that age where they can't decide if Topshop or Forever 21 is cooler. Something like that.

I still remember being at that age. It was indeed a looooong time ago. Between peer pressure, lust driver and true calling I think I did quite well in being me and in knowing my own persona which later lead the life that I'm living now. To say that I least regret some of the things that I chose and done, well I chose to believe in 'things happened for a reason' and we learn from our mistakes so no regrets there.

But, looking at my students now I feel their pang in life in deciding of what to do next, on how to dress now etc. But of course, not all of them are like that. Some teenagers have a clear bright idea of what to become, of what to love . Some are just clueless like a pigeon waiting to be feed by the old auntie.

When they confronted me about their teenage issues, I feel powerless and yet I feel so honoured that they chose me as their listening tool. I can't help them with their problems so the least I could do is to listen to them and make some 15 cent worth of joke to humour them.

But right now, in the middle of night or early morning (it's 2.40 am) I feel like saying something to them and to all the teenagers reading this.

Always, always follow your heart and be proud of who you are because nobody can love you to the max except yourself. So what if you are a vintage lover, a Harujuku wannabe or a die heart Gothic fallen angel. Just be proud of yourself and be nice to others. Don't neglect your duty and respect others. It always start with yourself first, then only it will lead to others. You are special and you are unique. If you don't believe it, it means you haven't discover your true self yet. Live your life to the fullest because there will be the time when you might say "I should have done this when I was younger....". Dare to have a dream, make and work your dream to come true. Love your family because nobody will help and be there for you more than your family. Love your friends because nobody will support and guide you more than your friends. Love your God to the utmost because only God listen to you all the time and only God have all the answers. Cry. It's totally alright to do so, it does not mean that you are weak. It means you are a beautiful human being. And, you will clean your eyes doing so. Smile :) It's the only thing that people will return it to you. Laugh. It's the best free relieving thing to do. So what if you made a mistake? As long as you learn from it, realized and acknowledged it then you are on the right track. There is such thing as soulmate for real but it will only come when you least think about it. Be grateful. Lastly, never stop to learn, explore and to discover your true self. There's no age limit to that but you ought to start now :)

"All truths are easy to understand once they are discovered; the point is to discover them"
- Galileo Galilei-


Anonymous said...

how i wish i have a super cool teacher like u

andy said...

a good post