Tuesday, May 10, 2011

day like this is a super normal day

Nothing interesting today except I almost killed myself for taking cocktails of medicine. Nope. It was not a suicide attempt. It was more of an idiot trying to be a smarty pants. I took my antibiotic + sore throat pill + multivitamins at the same time! Idiot yes.

I was dizzy and my face started to swollen bit by bit luckily everything was under control. If not, surely I will visit the hospital AGAIN.

Besides that it was a good day when I learned a lot of things from how to be a better emcee to simple-everyday-thingy like never cover your hot mug with post it notes because the coffee will smell of glue after that.

So, it was an ordinary day but I did learned something so no complaint there except for the weather! It WAS SO FREAKING HOT lah.... asyik rasa nak makan aiskrim ja hari ni tau........... T________T

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