Friday, June 17, 2011

coffee breath

I'm such a HUGE fan of coffee. In fact, I do consider myself as caffeine addicted. I usually drink up to 4 cups of coffee daily. I cant focus or start my day if I don't get a shot of coffee in the morning. Coffee is my part of life.

BUT!, coffee have this strong smell. Those who drink coffee knows that you will end up with Starbucks-sort-of-urine when you drink coffee :p aaaanddd...most importantly, you will have coffee breath once you sip your coffee.

If you think coffee breath is charming, think again. As much as I love coffee I do not fancy coffee breath at all! That's why I always have mints near me to freshen up my breath. So, to those who caffeine addicted like me, always have mints near you na so that you don't annoy other people with your hazardous coffee breath. A kick off for us could be a turn off to others.

1 comment:

adiwira yang unggul said...

hang ni selalu pikiaq benda yang orang tak terpikiaq kan? hahahaha bagus macam tu. keep it up!