Sunday, September 18, 2011

Pengalaman Berjumpa Bakal Keluarga Si Dia

Haaaaa title tak boleh tahan! Setelah sekian lama senyap dan ghaib, tetiba bagi entry post macam tu? Hehehe...

See, 90% of my family members went to KL trip last Thursday except for me, mama and my brother. So since the three of us left in Penang, I had listed down activities that we ought to do somehow, someday. But much to our despair we can't fulfill it. For example, we wanted to watch movie but HOLY MOTHER KANGAROO!!! gila penuh panjang que nak beli tiket and gila banyak orang dok que nak masuk panggung!! So we ditched that plan.

I wanted to take mom to 1st Avenue since she's never been there before, and that's the only plan successfully executed. ONLY that! I wanted to take her to Penang Museum tapi tutup. Nak bawak pi Logos Hope, takdak parking. Nak bawak pi Penang Hill, gila jam. Now, it sucks to be in Penang during school holiday and long weekend sebab ramai gila orang!!!!!

Dan gila ramai orang time ni, mostly orang luar. So, I have that what you say, love-hate relationship during such time occurs. One, I hate the traffic and the overload people. But on the other hand I love the fact that Penang is such a touristy island that many outsiders come to visit., speaking of outsiders and visit, one of the outsiders is Mr. Batcha's siblings and co.

They came to Penang on Friday and wanted to meet me! Eeep! They weren't here during my engagement party so now it's the time for them to meet and greet and ice breaking. I was nervous!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! One, it's his sister and her husband. Two, it's his TWIN sister and her husband. Yeap, Mr.Batcha have a twin sister! Three, their children will be there. Four, they speak little Malay. Five, I hope they don't expect me to cook. Six, I always nervous meeting new people albeit the fact that I'm talkative and talking crap most of the time. Seven, I'm taking my mom to dive in with me throughout this whole ordeal. Eight, aaaahhhhhh!!!! Drama much? Heeee...

But, praises to Allah everything went smoothly and nice :) Although they thought I had cooked a nice lunch served to them where the fact is I ran down to Satariah Cafe and bought few dishes, reheat them and served it! They are loveable bunch of people and I hope I made good impression hehehehehe... (and I hope they don't expect me to cook the next time I meet them!!!). However the highlight of yesterday was when his sister keep teasing him on how he could end up with a girl who's fair skin (not that I'm that fair though) then, his sister comes out with well, quite a whimsical metaphor. "Your fiance is delicate like a rose (Mr. Batcha was smiling wide upon hearing this) but you, you are like the dark soil that hold the rose!" Oh dear! ;)


aicilef_cty said...

hello miss Rose! :)

Little did I know meeting the family members of your spouse is that CHALLENGING. Hahahha. I learn something new today. Better go catch up on my cooking! :D


domestic goddess wannabe said...

hahahaha!!! yup! cooking is essential not only for husband's tummy but it turns out for your in laws as well:P

Drama Mama said...

The metaphor used to describe me and hubby tau apa? Kuda belang..taik cicak. Lol!

Lps ni liza sure terer msk kariiii! Hahaha

kakak said...

wakakakakaka.......belajaq la masak gulai pakai rempah giling.

domestic goddess wannabe said...

kuda belang? hohohohoho tuuudiaaa...kakak, alagapas ada..muahahahhahahaha

abg said...
