Thursday, August 15, 2013


Saw a friend shared a post regarding an Arab man having dogs as his pets. Apparently the person who posted it somehow trying to say something like, kalau Pak Arab boleh bela anjing and make no fuss about it, why is it such a big issue for Malays?

Well John (this is what I use to refer orang yang bajet best or pandai),

1. Arab is Arab. Not all Arabs are Muslims.

2. Muslims follow Al-Quran and Hadith. Bukan follow Arabs.

3. Bela anjing in Islam boleh but there are certain rules to do so. These rules can be hasty should you really want to adhere it and Malays being malas from generasi dulu were lazy to explain much about these rules so they would just 'educate' their children with anjing haram, anjing jahat, woof! woof!

4. And, something like chicken is halal but kalau tak disembelih dengan cara betul then tak boleh makan unless terdesak. 

5. Before you nak jump into oooo orang Melayu sangat bodoh, orang Arab lagi Islam pun boleh bela bla bla bla bla yada yada yada, go and gain some knowledge first about your country's official religion ni na...

p/s: same goes to me and other Muslims, we are so lack of knowledge and understanding about our own agama sebab tu dok jadi kacau bilau. Orang Melayu sendiri pantang tengok Arab semua kata betoi. Well, if you get really know orang Arab, then you'll realized why para nabi semua diturunkan disana. That shows just how 'well-behaved' orang Arab is. That being said, ayat pertama turun pun dah suruh kita cari ilmu. 'Iqra'.

So nuff said with all this anjing story. I bet the fellow apa nama Chetz??! ka apa ka detu is laughing seronok now sebab her aim for 15 minutes fame is finally fulfilled.

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