Thursday, August 15, 2013


Saw a friend shared a post regarding an Arab man having dogs as his pets. Apparently the person who posted it somehow trying to say something like, kalau Pak Arab boleh bela anjing and make no fuss about it, why is it such a big issue for Malays?

Well John (this is what I use to refer orang yang bajet best or pandai),

1. Arab is Arab. Not all Arabs are Muslims.

2. Muslims follow Al-Quran and Hadith. Bukan follow Arabs.

3. Bela anjing in Islam boleh but there are certain rules to do so. These rules can be hasty should you really want to adhere it and Malays being malas from generasi dulu were lazy to explain much about these rules so they would just 'educate' their children with anjing haram, anjing jahat, woof! woof!

4. And, something like chicken is halal but kalau tak disembelih dengan cara betul then tak boleh makan unless terdesak. 

5. Before you nak jump into oooo orang Melayu sangat bodoh, orang Arab lagi Islam pun boleh bela bla bla bla bla yada yada yada, go and gain some knowledge first about your country's official religion ni na...

p/s: same goes to me and other Muslims, we are so lack of knowledge and understanding about our own agama sebab tu dok jadi kacau bilau. Orang Melayu sendiri pantang tengok Arab semua kata betoi. Well, if you get really know orang Arab, then you'll realized why para nabi semua diturunkan disana. That shows just how 'well-behaved' orang Arab is. That being said, ayat pertama turun pun dah suruh kita cari ilmu. 'Iqra'.

So nuff said with all this anjing story. I bet the fellow apa nama Chetz??! ka apa ka detu is laughing seronok now sebab her aim for 15 minutes fame is finally fulfilled.



- rich with cultures and authenticity tapi rich jugak dengan yang nak jadi wannabes. 

- always perasan diri dah cukup bagus. Contoh? Kita Melayu Islam sini bagus, betul. Tengok Islam Indon tak boleh percaya. Lepa tak lagu orang kita, Melayu. Now, explain sat why we have 250k+ Syiah and that ridiculous Panji Hitam (Indon jugaaaaakk) kat Malaysia?

- selalu kutuk sesama geng Melayu sendiri

- selalu komen awat Cina boleh tolong bangsa dia yada yada yada yada tapi bila kena diri sendiri? Senyap. On a side note, selalu ada kes Melayu nak tolong Melayu especially bila mai bab renovate and repair rumah. Tapi Melayu suka buat taik. So, mau tak mau kena panggil Cina.

- sedekah selalu time puasa ja. Jamuan makan dengan anak yatim pun bulan puasa ja banyak. Sebab? Bulan puasa kan pahala double. Orang Melayu memang suka benda yang berganda.

- tak guna cable bila mintak kerja or sambung study.....pilih bulu dan khotom sendiri jerrrrrr

All that stated, I am a true Malay sebab I baru buat point #3. Hew hew hew hew...

Wednesday, August 14, 2013

Material World

It's been a while tau since I last did my shopping, for myself, only wardrobe and shoes and no groceries from Tesco. 

I think the last time that I actually went for shopping was before my wedding to buy all the hantaran. Lepas kahwin was down with pregnancy illnesses and whatnot and now Amer pun dah 7 bulan so you do the Maths lah berapa lama dah tak pi shopping kan? 

Thing is baru ni I went to Gurney Plaza nak pi cari baju raya for my little buddy lah. I was really 'ka-ooh' (perak buih/jakun/orang putih kata mesmerized) bila tengok banyaknya kedai-kedai yang branded nowadays. 

It seems that people are racing and competing one another to be on top with all these luxury branded goods. and it hit me that orang sekeliling are becoming materialistic. When it come to this situation lah yang buat I feeling nak lari to Gunung Semanggol to protect my son from this kind of evironment. Dan-dan...Hah!

Thing is, I feel sad to see those youngsters and young adults that care so much about all these material world. Been there, done that but not to the extend that you guys are now today. When you are old like me right now, then you'll wish to go back to those young time and do things that you wish you had done again and again macam sun soaking, read a good book by the seaside, hiking to Penang Hill from the Moon Gate, go fishing, indulge yourself at the used book shops on the upper Chowrosta Market, walk from Tanjung Tokong to Gurney and many more things that requires your quality time and not your money and brands approval :)

Tuesday, August 13, 2013

Bang-bang shoot!

These few weeks, Malaysia has been showered with bullet rain news. Every now and then ada jaaaaa kes tembak sana sini kan?

I tengok kat Facebook ramai comment Malaysia is no longer safe yada yada yada..Well, my question is; sejak bila Malaysia ni betul-betul safe? The one authority (yes you, polis) that supposed to protect us pun makan rasuah terang-terangan macam makan kacang ja, corok mana nak selamat?

And, I wonder, all those guns and bullets mai dari mana? Apa immigration and kastam buat? Kalau 1-2 kot la terlepas kalau dah banyak??

Now that kes tembak are becoming common, people start to freak out. And masa nilah ramai kutu nanti jump into the bandwagon and blame the government entirely. I say, the government memang corrupt and I want them to change but kita as rakyat in the mean time bising sana sini tapi apa satu habuk tak buat lagu mana tu?

Tak guna lah gantung burung kat cermin kereta sokong ubah kalau sendiri bagi rasuah kat polis bila kena tahan. Hmmmmm..........