Reading chic lit monthly is one of the solid reasons for me to force myself to read. Whenever I'm a bit low here and there, bored or what not I'll look for my old best friend; chic lit. But I gotta say that some people don't like chic lit simply because it's too fairy tale to be true in real life. I myself once questioned the realistic of chic lit before like how come most of the heroine have cool job and settle down in cool city? But after all, reading is dreaming with open eyes eh?
I have favourite chic lit's authors like Sophie Kinsella and Lindsey Kelk. I find that both of them are hillarious when it comes to writing which is a cure for my so called stress. But last month Mr. Batcha bought me a new chic lit, a new author that I never heard of, Emily Giffin (I doubted his choice at first because the book cover is very bare and dull and the title sounds blegh). It turns out that Giffin's first book is now a movie ; Something Borrowed. Hah! So much for bare and dull and blegh....
So I started to read Emily Giffin's Love The One You Are With. After two days, I'm totally hooked with the author! I LOVE her writing! She's fantastic!! Not only her writing is so good, the storyline and the plots are realistic which is a fascinating thing to do in chic lit's world.
Then I went to get her other books which are Something Borrowed and Something Blue and I fell in love with her writing more and more. I even convinced a colleague to read her book and today, she gave me the approval seal by blaming me for her mini rift with her kids (it turns out the book is so good that she can't put it down thus neglected her kids' dinner).
So tunggu apa lagi...cepat cari Emily Giffin! :) I can't wait to attack the bookstore to get her other books now hehehehehe

aku dh tgk something borrowed..biasa2 ja buku lg best kot.
aaku br tgk harini movie kes mcm twilight ngan shopaholic buku lg best mana hala dr movie
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