Is it just me or it seems that most of the women on streets nowadays akan bawa tas tangan Longchamp? Be it fake or not, surely you could stumble with woman and her Longchamp in ratio of say...every 300 meters walk?
I tried and still cannot understand the thrill of Longchamp totes. Seriously. Yes it's cute with assorted colours but yeah, that's all about it. It's simple, ok...maybe slightly too simple...
Never mind my ignorant on Longchamp's beauty, today while having lunch with my friend at Bangkok Lane, there was an auntie on motorcycle came near our table. She came reaallllly close to us and started to say something. I can barely hear her due to cars honking and the mamak banging the wok, then she took out something from her bag and then I saw and understood it "Longchamp bag, Longchamp bag, original...many colour...RM20 only...original". Tuuuuu diiaaaaa!! Original baru RM20! :p
We just waved our hands and enjoyed our Bangkok Lane mee goreng. But the funny thing is, there were two ladies were eating next to us. Almost finishing their meals. And the auntie kept asking them over and over again. One of the ladies stood up, and said "Kami tak dak duit la maknya". Then she walked to the gerai minuman and paid for her drinks thus the auntie said "cakap talak luit, itu makan ada luit..lai..longchamp original rm20..." Bwahahahahaha

aku pn tak paham pasai pa org suka sgt bag tgn nih.dulu kalo xsilap aku husg puppies bg bag free design mcm ni la.
betoi!! aku ingat bag tu...tapi kalau orang bg free longchamp kat hang, hang mau x? :p
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