Monday, September 19, 2011


Eureka! Eureka! I finally found my 'long' journey of hunting for my ever so lovely favourite item, Yankee Candle! :)

See, I love LOVE good smell. Who doesn't? But those who knows me know that I'm kind of obsess with good smell. I LOVE perfume, scented candles, scented sticks, scented sachet blah blah blah anything that well, smells nice, period. But last year, my friend Peggy who's from US gave me a Yankee Candle. She said it's America's favourite or was it famous candle something like that. I still remember she gave me the scent of Honeysuckle candle and it smell FABULOUS! I LOVE it to the max! Ever since that day I was and still am officially obsessed of Yankee Candle.

Not only Yankee Candle smell so real, it's also long lasting too and, the scents well the scents are so various and unique and aaaaahhhh :) They have like beach walk scent, sun and sand, beautiful day, fresh blanket scent (YES!!!!), butter vanilla so on and so forth. Well, Peggy knew I love Yankee Candle so much that she gave me few more after that. I keep them preciously and I'll only lit them up during 'special' day when I really want to relax and enjoy the night watching TV or just sit at the living room with my mommies.

Now, I am the type of a person who remember occasions and occurrences better when it is related to smell. Seriously. Like, if I smell Anna Sui's perfume I have this flashback of my second year doing degree because I used that perfume during that time. Or when I smell of spices then I'll think of the streets at Market Street. And no, that's not a special talent, that's a freak :p

So back to my story, so I've been looking for Yankee Candle all this while to add up to my so called collection. Until yesterday when I went to Gurney Parkson that I finally found my love! There it was nicely lining up on the shelves sitting and looking pretty each one of them. I can't really describe my feelings when I first saw it but enough to say that I shrieked quite loud that my mom was looking at me with annoyance from the other end of the floor.

I started to racked them one by one and smell them. It smells soooo good!! I feel like I've finally meet my long lost good old friend :) Then I decided to buy some of them and that's when my moments of ecstasy was crushed like a crushed papadom. It was soooo expensive! RM12 for the smallest size, RM 65 for the medium bottle, RM 128 for the large bottle!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Goodness gracious! If I really wanted to buy it for pleasure purpose, then it will be like burning my own money where I can buy a set of McD or I can reload my phone with it or a packet of Nescafe that will last for two weeks.

So I put it down slightly frustrated. I want to buy it, I can buy it but I don't think it's a necessity for me at this moment. So I prep talked myself for the next 30 minutes that I'm being a very matured, wise woman for not spending my money wisely. Hah! Mom on the other hand was feeling kesian because she really thought I was going to buy it. She even offered to buy it for me. But I made a deal with her that she ought to buy it for me as my birthday present. Not yesterday, but some other day.

There you go the boring story of my life where I get excitement from scented candles. To those who never try Yankee Candle, go and try to get a least one. It is soooo worth it! :)

Lip balm??!! WOW!


abg said...

ni semua trick dalam poket. taulah besday dah dekat.

domestic goddess wannabe said... dah tau..muahahahahaha